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Tips for Canadian CPAs to be more productive

Tips for Canadian CPAs to be More Productive

NCS-CA-Blog-nner-bannerAre you stuck in tedious routine tasks? Do you feel unproductive, even after working long hours? If yes (like most of us!), then below are a few tips that will help you in increasing efficiency and becoming more productive. These tips will help you in increasing your clientele, staying updated & organised.

Stay updated

Good knowledge of whatever you learned during the CPA course will not be enough as there are continuously new changes & updates in the Tax laws. You should keep track of the new subsidies, grants, changes in the tax laws, and other updates brought by the government. As a CPA, your clients should be able to take advice from you when needed and take your guidance. And so, you should know how federal and provincial taxes are calculated and what your clients owe.

Documents Planning

You must keep a detailed list of documents required to complete a tax return or the financials handy. Such a list will be helpful to clients in staying organized and procuring important papers. It is always a good practice to ensure that you properly organize all the data received from clients so that you can access the same easily at the time when needed.

Fix your working hours

A messy working schedule can hamper not only your professional life but also your personal life. When you decide and follow your working hours, it will result in more productivity, less procrastination, and a much better work-life balance. Keep your weekends reserved for family life and entertainment, so you can enjoy the fruits of working so hard!

Prepare checklists

Checklists are essential tools to ensure the accuracy and completeness of work. When you prepare a tax return or finalize the books, make sure you check off your checklist. The year-end checklists depend on the type of clients you work for and their transactions. You can prepare your own customized meticulous checklists and ensure that the work done by you is error-free & perfect

Use advanced apps

In the era of technological advancements, you should use time-saving & productive apps to make your life easier. Apps like Slack, Asana, Evernote, Dropbox, etc. will help you in staying more organized and productive. Softwares like Hubdoc & Dext are extremely useful as you can connect the same with your client’s books and post on the basis of the data extracted from the receipts/bills uploaded on them.

Keep track of deadlines

Marking the important deadlines of CRA on your calendar is an easy way to ensure you are aware of all the upcoming due dates. This will help you to plan your work ahead of time and inform your clients when the due date is approaching. You can prepare a Google sheet of clients and their different expected deadlines of Personal tax, Corporate Tax & HST.


Through outsourcing major tasks, you will not require the same infrastructure, information technology setup, and software. NCS is an outsourcing firm that handles everything you don’t have time for or simply don’t want to do. This will dramatically reduce your capital expenditure over a period of time allowing you to invest your fund in your long-term goals of Business Development. Contact us at tejas@ncscorp.ca to get a free trial now and let our team grow your business painlessly! Visit us on www.ncscorp.ca to know more about us.